80 Books on Sunni Creed according to the Hanafi Madhhab

The following is a list of 80 works written by some well known scholars linked mainly to the Hanafi school of Islamic jurisprudence.  The list starts off with works ascribed to the great Imam Abu Hanifa himself and ends off with some titles from the last Islamic century.  The works were all written in Arabic and some have been translated into other languages also.  The list also demonstrates that the Sunni-Hanafi scholars have always taken the issue of Aqida (Islamic creed) as a priority in order to disseminate the truth (haqq) over falsehood (batil) century after century.

Many of these works also address in a nuanced and academic way the deviations in terms of creed by members of the 72 deviant sects attached to Islam, as well as defending the status and standing of the early Hanafi school as being a true advocate and representative of the early Muslims (Salafus-Salihin) in terms of sound creedo.  A lot of these works also address the patently false notions spread by open enemies of the Sunni-Hanafi school in this age who claim to be the real advocates of the Salafus-Salihin in this age of trials and tribulations.

The following list is also downloadable as a pdf file at the end.




1) Al-Fiqh al-Akbar attributed to Imam Abu Hanifa (d. 150 AH), rahimahullah. There is more than one recension, one being that of Hammad ibn Abi Hanifa and another from Abu Muti’i al-Balkhi whose recension is also known as al-Fiqh al-Absat. See below for a number of commentaries on this text. Other short works ascribed to the Imam include the following three works:

2) Kitab al-Wasiyya (the work has been published with the Sharh of Mulla Hussain ibn Iskandar al-Hanafi, Hyderabad, India, 1321 AH).

3) Al-Alim wal Muta’alim (it has been published with the notes of Shaykh Muhammad Zahid al-Kawthari) in the recension of Imam Abu Muqatil al-Samarqandi (d. 208 AH)

4) Risala ila Uthman al-Batti

5) Kitab al-Tawhid by Imam Abu Mansur al Maturidi (d. 333 AH)

6) Ta’wilat Ahlis Sunna wal Jama’ah also known as Tafsir al-Maturidi (published in 10 large volumes) by Imam Abu Mansur al Maturidi (d. 333 AH)

7) Kitab Usul-ud-din by Shaykh Jamal-ud-Din Ahmed ibn Muhammad. See Kashf al-Zunun of Hajji Khalifa, (2/1157). The author was one of the students of Imam Abu Mansur al-Maturidi (d. 333 AH)

8) Irshad al-Muhtadi fi usul al-Din by Imam Abul Hasan Ali ibn Sa’id ar-Rustufaghni (d. 345 AH). The author was one of the students of Imam Abu Mansur al-Maturidi (d. 333 AH)


9) Al-Hikma al-Nabawiyya fi Sharh al Fiqh al-Akbar by Imam Abul Qasim al-Samarqandi who is well known as Hakim Ishaq (d. 342 AH. See Kashf al-Zunun ( 2/1287) of Hajji Khalifa

10) Aqidatul Imam by Imam Abul Qasim al-Samarqandi (d. 342 AH). See Kashf al-Zunun (2/1157) of Hajji Khalifa
11) Sharh al-Fiqh al-Akbar ascribed to Imam al-Maturidi (d. 333 AH) but said to be actually by Imam Abul Layth al-Samarqandi (d. 373 AH)

12) Sharh al-Fiqh al-Akbar by Imam Muhammad ibn Muhammad ibn Abdus Sattar al-Kardari (d. 642 AH). A copy is held in Markaz al-Malik Faysal (no. 8684), Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

13) Al-Irshad fi Sharh al-Fiqh al-Akbar (also known as al-Hikma al-Nabawiyya fi Sharh al-Fiqh al-Akbar) by Imam Akmalud-Din al-Babarti (d. 786 AH). See Kashf al-Zunun of Hajji Khalifa (1/69)

14) Sharh al-Fiqh al-Akbar by Imam Alaud-Din al-Bukhari (d. 841 AH). A copy is held in the Khuda Baksh manuscript library (10/486) in India

15) Sharh al-Fiqh al-Akbar by Imam Ahmed ibn Sayfud-Din al-Nasafi (d. 845 AH). A manuscript copy is held in al-Maktaba al-Jami’a (no. 459) in Beirut, Lebanon.

16) Sharh al-Fiqh al-Akbar by Imam Ilyas ibn Ibrahim al-Sinubi al-Rumi (d. 891 AH). See Kashf al-Zunun (1/854) of Hajji Khalifa. A manuscript copy is held in al-Maktaba al-Mahmudiyya (no. 1916) in Madina al-Munawwara
17) Sharh al-Fiqh al-Akbar by Imam Abul Muntaha al-Maghnisawi (circa 10th century). See Kashf al-Zunun of Hajji Khalifa, (2/1287). The manuscript mentioned by Hajji Khalifa was dated 939 AH. There are many manuscript copies of this commentary in several libraries.

18) Sharh al-Fiqh al-Akbar by Imam Ishaq al-Tabib al-Rumi (d. 949 AH). See Shadharat al-Dhahab (8/281) of Ibn al Imad al-Hanbali

19) Sharh al-Fiqh al-Akbar by Imam Muhammad Bahaud-Din ibn Lutfullah al-Rahmawi (d. 952 AH). A manuscript copy is held in Darul Kutub al-Misriyya (1/203) in Cairo, Egypt.

20) Al Qawl-ul-Fasl (commentary on al-Fiqh al-Akbar) by Imam Baha-ud- Din Zadah (d. 956 AH)
21) Sharh al-Fiqh al-Akbar (also known as Minah al-Rawd al-Azhar) by Mullah Ali al-Qari al-Hanafi (d. 1014 AH). The best edition is the one by our late Shaykh: Wahbi Sulayman Ghawji al-Albani (d. 2013) with his annotated notes known as al-Ta’liq al-Muyassar ala Sharh al-Fiqh al-Akbar

22) Sharh al-Fiqh al-Akbar by Imam Isma’il ibn Ishaq al-Khutayri (d. 1061 AH). See the Salim Agha manuscript (6/587) of this work in Istanbul, Turkey

23) Sharh al-Fiqh al-Akbar by Imam Abdul Awwal ibn Abdul Qayyum al-Mawsawi (died after – 1064 AH). A manuscript copy is held in Markaz al-Malik Faysal (no. 9260), Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

24) Sharh al-Fiqh al-Akbar by Imam Nurud-Din al-Sharwani al-Barusawi (d. 1065 AH). See Hadiyatul Arifin (2/499) by Isma’il al Babani al Baghdadi
25) Sharh al-Fiqh al-Akbar by Imam Abu Ali Murad ibn Uthman al-Mawsili (d. 1092 AH). See Mu’jam al-Mu’allifin by Umar Rida Kahhala (12/213) and Hadiyatul Arifin (2/242) by Isma’il al Babani al Baghdadi


26) Sharh al-Fiqh al-Akbar by Imam Nurud-Din Ali ibn Murad al-Mawsili al-Umari (d. 1147 AH). See Hadiyatul Arifin (1/766) by Isma’il al Babani al Baghdadi. A manuscript copy is held in the British Museum (no. 1253)

27) Tuhfa al Nabi fi Sharh wa tarjama al Fiqh al Akbar li Abi Hanifa by Imam Kawz al Husari Mustafa ibn Muhammad al Rumi (d. 1215 AH). See Hadiyatul Arifin (2/454) by Isma’il al Babani al Baghdadi
28) Al-Misbah al-Azhar Sharh al-Fiqh al-Akbar by Shaykh Sulayman ibn Rasad al-Zayyati al-Misri (d. 1347 AH). See al-A’lam of Khayrud-Din Zirikli (3/125)
29) Al-Qawl al-Muyassar ala’l Fiqh al-Akbar by Imam Aza ibn Ali al-Hadidi (d. 1369 AH)

30) Al-Daw al-Abhar Sharh al-Fiqh al-Akbar by Imam Nasihi al-Fahimi. A copy is held in the Raza manuscript library (1/313, no. 243) in Rampur, India

31) Al-Durr al Azhar by Shaykh Abdal Qadir. It was published in Khanpur, India, by Matba’ Nizami in 1878 CE

32) Aqida of the Hanafi Mujtahid Imam: Abu Ja’far al-Tahawi (d. 321 AH). Though the Imam was a contemporary of both Imams al-Maturidi and al-Ash’ari, there does not seem to be any evidence that the three Imams ever met. The Aqida of al-Tahawi is formally known as Bayan al-Sunna wal Jama’a and a number of beneficial commentaries exist. The one to clearly avoid is the one by Ibn Abi’l Izz. The latter is a pseudo-Salafi favourite in this age, but take note, Ibn Abi’l Izz was held to be unreliable by more reliable Hanafi Imams and aqida specialists like Imam Ali al Qari (d. 1014 AH) in his Sharh al-Fiqh al-Akbar, as well as the later Hanafi Hafiz of hadith, Imam Muhammad Murtada al-Zabidi (d. 1205 AH) in his Ithaf al-Sa’ada al-Muttaqin. Ibn Abi’l Izz was also put on trial by certain scholars in his time for his deviant aberrations. See the following link for the trial of Ibn Abi’l Izz – TRIAL

Other commentaries include:

33) Sharh al-Aqida al-Tahawiyya by al-Qadi Isma’il ibn Ibrahim ash-Shaybani (d.629 AH)

34) Nur al-Lami wal Burhan al-Sati by Imam Najmud-Din Biqbaris ibn Yalankalij al-Turki (d. 652 AH). The manuscript is in Maktaba al-Sulaymaniyya (no. 2973), Istanbul, Turkey
35) Sharh al-Aqida al-Tahawiyya by Imam Shujaud-Din Hibbatullah ibn Ahmed al-Turkistani (d. 736 AH). See Kashf al-Zunun (2/1143) of Hajji Khalifa
36) Al-Qala’id fi-Sharh al-‘Aqa’id by Imam Mahmud al-Qunawi (d. 770 AH). See Kashf al-Zunun (2/1143) of Hajji Khalifa

37) Sharh al-Aqida al-Imam al-Tahawi by Imam Abu Hafs Siraj ud-Din Umar ibn Ishaq al-Ghaznawi al-Hindi (d.773 AH). See Kashf al-Zunun (2/1143) of Hajji Khalifa

38) Sharh Aqa’id al-Tahawi by Imam Muhammad ibn Abi Bakr al Ghazi al-Hanafi (he was one of al-Sakhawi’s [d. 902 AH] students and was from the 9th century AH)
39) Sharh Aqa’id al-Tahawi by Imam Mahmud ibn Muhammad ibn Abi Ishaq al-Hanafi of Istanbul (d. 916 AH). See Mu’jam al-Mu’allifin (12/193) by Umar Rida Kahhala

40) Sharh al-Aqida al-Tahawiyya by Imam Abul Abbas Ahmed ibn Mas’ud ibn Abdur Rahman al-Qunawi (9th century, see Mu’jam al-Mu’allifin [2/176] of Umar Rida Kahhala)

41) Nur al-Yaqin fi Usul ud-Din by Imam Kafi Hasan al-Busnawi al-Aqhasari (d. 1025 AH). See Kashf al-Zunun (2/1143) of Hajji Khalifa
42) Sharh Aqa’id al-Tahawiyya by Imam Abdur Rahim ibn Ali al-Amasi also known as Shaykh Zadah. See Mu’jam al-Mu’allifin (5/209-210) by Umar Rida Kahhala

43) Sharh al-Aqida al-Tahawiyya by Shaykh Abdal Ghani al-Ghunaymi al-Maydani (d. 1298 AH), with the notes of Dr Muhammad Riyadh al-Malih and Dr Muhammad al-Hafiz (all three were from Damascus)

44) Tabsira al-Adilla of Imam Abul Mu’in al-Nasafi (d. 508 AH)

45) Bahr al-Kalam by Imam Abul Mu’in al Nasafi (d. 508 AH)

46) Al-Tamhid fi-Usul al-Din by Imam Abul Mu’in al-Nasafi (d. 508 AH)

47) Al-Bidaya min al Kifaya fil Hidaya fi usul-ud-Din by Imam Nurud-Din Ahmed ibn Mahmud al-Bukhari al-Sabuni al Hanafi (d. 580 AH)

48) Risala fi Bayan al-I’tiqad ala Madhhab al-Imam al A’zam al-Mujtahid al-Muqaddam Abi Hanifa al-Nu’man by Shaykh Muhammad Yusuf Atif Pasha (manuscript preserved in Cairo’s Maktaba al-Azhar, no. 3488)

49) Al-Sayf al-Mash-hur fi-Sharh Aqida Abi Mansur al Maturidi by the Ash’ari scholar, Imam Tajud-Din al Subki (manuscript preserved in Maktaba Arif Hikmat, Madina)

50) Usul al-Din by Shaykh Abul Yusr al-Bazdawi (d. 493 AH)
51) Tafsir al-Nasafi (also known as Madarik al-Tanzil) is a Tafsir on the Qur’an with aspects from the Maturidi understanding within it by Imam Abul Barakat al-Nasafi (d. 710 AH)

52) Jami al-Mutun fi Haqq Anwa’ al-Sifat al-Ilahiyya wal Aqa’id al-Maturidiyya by Shaykh Ahmed Diya-ud-Din

53) Al-Musayira by Imam Kamal ibn al-Humam (d. 861 AH, who was the Mujtahid of the Hanafi school in his age, as well as being a student of al-Hafiz ibn Hajar al Asqalani in Hadith)

54) Al-Musamira Sharh al-Musayira li-Ibn al-Humam by Shaykh Kamalud-Din Muhammad, well known as Ibn Abi Sharif al-Maqdisi (d. 905 AH)

55) Hashiya of al-Hafiz Qasim ibn Qutlubugha (d. 879 AH) to his teacher: Imam Kamal ibn al-Humam’s al-Musayira

56) Aqida of Imam Abu Hafs Najmud-Din al-Nasafi (d. 537 AH). There are more than 70 works of various lengths in commentary to the short text by Imam al-Nasafi which shows its universal popularity amongst mainly Hanafi scholars after his death. A later article will list the known titles if Allah wills. Here are fifteen examples:

57) Sharh al-Aqa’id al Nasafiyya by Imam Sa’d al Din al-Taftazani (d. 791 AH). There is also an edition with the notes of the Indian Muhaddith: Shaykh Abdal Aziz al-Dehlawi (son of Shah Waliullah), printed by Maktaba al-Imdadiyya, Deoband, India.

58) Hashiyya al-Kayali (d. 870 AH) ala Sharh al-Aqa’id al Nasafiyya

59) Hashiyya al-Assam ala Sharh al-Aqa’id al Nasafiyya

60) Al-Hawashi al-Bahiyya ala Aqa’id al Nasafiyya

61) Hashiyya ala Sharh al Aqa’id al Nasafiyya by Imam Abdul Hakim ibn Shamsud-Din al-Hindi al-Siyalkoti (d. 1067 AH). A manuscript is preserved in Markaz al-Malik Faysal (no. 01158), Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

62) Hashiyya ala Sharh al Aqa’id al Nasafiyya by Imam Ibrahim ibn Muhammad ibn Arab Shah al-Isfara’ini (d. 945 AH). A manuscript is preserved in Markaz al-Malik Faysal (no. 01148), Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

63) Hashiyya ala Sharh al Aqa’id al Nasafiyya by Shaykh Abul Hasan ibn al Afdal. A manuscript is preserved in Markaz al-Malik Faysal (no. 04870), Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

64) Hashiyya ala Sharh al Aqa’id al Nasafiyya by Shaykh Muslih-ud-Din Mustafa al-Qastallani. A manuscript is preserved in Markaz al-Malik Faysal (no. 07363), Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

65) Hashiyya ala Sharh al Aqa’id al Nasafiyya by Imam Ahmed ibn Muhammad ibn Umar (d. 785 AH, well known as Ibn Khidr). A manuscript is preserved in Maktaba al-Awqaf (202[2, 241]) in Mawsul, Iraq

66) Hashiyya ala Sharh al Aqa’id al Nasafiyya by Imam Abdur Rahman ibn Ibrahim al-Kurdi (d. 1064 AH). A manuscript is preserved in al-Maktaba al-Abdaliyya (3/91, no. 1445) in Jami’ al-Zaytuniyya, Tunis, Tunisia.

67) Hashiyya ala Sharh al Aqa’id al Nasafiyya by Imam Ilyas Pasha (Hasan ibn Hussain ibn Muhammad) al-Talishi (d. 964 AH). A manuscript is preserved in Maktaba Fatih Khan (5/236, no. 4)

68) Hashiyya ala Sharh al Aqa’id al Nasafiyya by Imam Hasan ibn Muhammad al-Finari (d. 886 AH). A manuscript is preserved in the Raza library in Rampur (1/284, no. 19) in India

69) Hashiyya ala Sharh al Aqa’id al Nasafiyya by Imam Ahmed ibn Yunus al-Shalabi (d. 947 AH). A manuscript is preserved in the Raza library in Rampur (1/126) in India

70) Hashiyya ala Sharh al Aqa’id al Nasafiyya by Imam Hussain ibn Hasan al-Hussaini al-Kalkali (d. 1014 AH). A manuscript is preserved in Darul Kutub al-Misriyya (1/173, no. 1089) in Cairo, Egypt

71) Hashiyya ala Sharh al Aqa’id al Nasafiyya lil-Taftazani by Imam Ali al-Qari (d. 1014 AH). Manuscripts are preserved in Munich (no. 866), Berlin (no. 2436); there is also a copy in the Princeton University manuscript collection in America

72) Al-Sawad al A’zam by Shaykh Abul Qasim al-Hakim al-Samarqandi (d. 342 AH). The author was one of the students of Imam Abu Mansur al-Maturidi (d. 333 AH). It has also been translated into English.

73) Salam al-Ahkam ala Sawad al-A’zam by Shaykh Ibrahim Hilmi al-Wafi
74) Al-Saha’if al-Ilahiyya by Shaykh Shamsud-Din al Samarqandi

75) Isharatul Maram min ‘Ibaratil Imam by al Qadi Kamalud Din Ahmed al Bayadi (d. 1097 AH). This work is based on the following 5 works: Al Fiqh al Akbar, al Fiqh al Absat, al Wasiyyah, al ‘Alim wal Muta’allim and Risala Abi Hanifa

76) Kitabut Tamhid li Qawa’id at Tawhid by Imam Abuth-Thana’ Al Lamishi Al Hanafi

77) Bad’ul Amali by Imam Sirajudddin al-Ushi (see the next 3 for commentaries to this work)

78) Daw’ al-Ma’ali Sharh Bad’ al-Amali by Imam Ali al-Qari (d. 1014 AH)

79) Mukhtasar Sharh al-Bakri ‘ala Bad’ al-Amali

80) Nukhbatul La’ali li Sharh Bad’ al-Amali by Imam Muhammad al-Rayhawi (d. 1228 AH)

Compiled by Abul Hasan Hussain Ahmed, London, UK
February 2015/Rabi al-Thani 1436 AH

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  1. Assalamu alykum, Im trying to find a hard copy of Kitab of Tawheed of Imam Maturidi rh. I have the pdf, if there is a link you can send me where i can buy it even if its out of uk will appreciate it i prefer book form then watching the screen continously not good for eyes.. Im just so amazed how knowledgeable he was subhanallah mashallah a great Alim.

    Pls let me know.

  2. Asalamu Alaikum where can I buy any of these books not as pdf but actual books? Also do you have a list of hadith works in english by deobandi ulema? Please reply. Jazakallah may Allah bless and reward all involved in spreading knowledge of deen. Asalamu Alaikum. Amarn Ahad

  3. Salam alaykum,
    Jazakumullah for this extraordinary work.
    Please can anyone guide to where one can download the Bahr al-Kalam by Imam Abul Mu’in al Nasafi (d. 508 AH).
    Please it is urgent. Only the Arabic is needed, because I want to study it with a Mawlana.

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