Ibn Taymiyya And His Times: Review by Ustadh Imran Iqbal

The following is a link to download or read the review by Ustadh Imran Iqbal on the book entitledIbn Taymiyya And His Times,  Yossef Rapoport and Shahab Ahmed (eds.) Karachi: Oxford University Press, 2010. xiv + 400 pp., ISBN 978-0-19-547834-1.


Ibn Taymiyya and his Times


Table of contents:
Foreword by the General Editor
List of Contributors
Ibn Taymiyya and His Times
Yossef Rapoport and Shahab Ahmed
Part I. Biography
1.: Ibn Taymiyya wa-jam’atu-hu: Authority, Conflict and Consensus in Ibn Taymiyya’s Circle
by Caterina Bori
Part II. Theology
2.: God Acts by His Will and Power: Ibn Taymiyya’s Theology of a Personal God in his Treatise on the Voluntary Attributes
by Jon Hoover
3.: The Qur’anic Rational Theology of Ibn Taymiyya and his Criticism of the Mutakallimun
by M. Sait Özervarli
4.: Ibn Taymiyya’s ‘Theology of the Sunna’ and his Polemics with the Ash’arites
by Racha el Omari
Part III. Hermeneutics
5.: Ibn Taymiyya and the Rise of Radical Hermeneutics: An Analysis of an Introduction to the Foundations of Qur’anic Exegesis
by Walid A. Saleh
6.: Human Choice, Divine Guidance and the Fitra Tradition: The Use of Hadith in Theological Treatises by Ibn Taymiyya and Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyya
by Livnat Holtzman
Part IV. Law
7.: Ibn Taymiyya’s Radical Legal Thought: Rationalism, Pluralism and the Primacy of Intention
by Yossef Rapoport
Part V. Shi’i and Christian Polemics
8.: Ibn Taymiyya and Ibn al-Mutahhar al-Hilli: Shi’i Polemics and the Struggle for Religious Authority in Medieval Islam
by Tariq al-Jamil
9.: Apologetic and Polemic in the Letter from Cyprus and Ibn Taymiyya’s Jawab al-sahih li-man baddala din al-Masih
by David Thomas
Part VI. Legacy
10.: From Ibn Hajar al-Haytami (d.1566) to Khayr al-Din al-Alusi (d.1899): Changing Views of Ibn Taymiyya Amongst non-Hanbali Sunni Scholars
by Khaled El-Rouayheb
11.: The Sensitive Puritan: Revisiting Ibn Taymiyya’s Approach to Law and Spirituality in Light of 20th century Debates on mawlid al-nabi
by Raquel M. Ukeles
Modern Interpretations and Misinterpretations of a Medieval Scholar: Apprehending the Political Thought of Ibn Taymiyya
by Mona Hassan

A biography of the reviewer:

Imran Iqbal after initially completing his Masters degree in Engineering (MEng) at Queen Mary University (University of London) went onto diversify his academic background by pursuing an MA from SOAS (University of London) in Near and Middle Eastern Studies and another from Birkbeck College (University of London) in Philosophy with his thesis written on Imam al-Ghazali’s view on scientific knowledge and causality.

He has also pursued classical Islamic knowledge by studying under a number of local Ulama in London by concentrating on basic Islamic sciences such as Ilm al-Fiqh, Usul al-Fiqh, Ulum al-Hadith, Aqida and Ilm al-Kalam. His areas of interest include: Islamic philosophy and theology, Islamic legal theory, Islamic history of ‘ideas’, philosophy of science and the scientific method, epistemology and metaphysics in Western and Islamic thought.
He has a number of published book reviews in specialist academic journals and is currently pursuing a research project tentatively titled, ‘Trajectories in Islamic theological dispute’. He is also a qualified teacher of Physics and Critical Thinking.

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