Imam Abul Hasan al Ash’ari: 4 vols on an Imam of Ahlus Sunna wa al Jama’a

This is a 4 volume work on the life, times and contribution of Imam Abul Hasan al-Ash’ari (d. 324 AH) by contemporary Islamic scholars, Arabic manuscript experts, Historians and specialist researchers, with a foreword by the current Shaykh al-Azhar of Egypt – Dr. Ahmed al-Tayyib.  A conference was held on Imam Abul Hasan al-Ash’ari in Cairo between May 8-11th in 2010.  The proceedings of this conference lead to the academic papers presented by its contributors being collated into a 4 volume Encyclopaedia entitled: Al-Imam Abul Hasan al-Asha’ri: Imam Ahlus-Sunna wa al-Jama’a. This work was published in 2014 and the links at the bottom are for the complete digital edition of this monumental compilation.

The names of the contributors are listed below for each volume:

Volume 1:

Shaykh al-Azhar Ahmed al-Tayyib

Abdul Shafi Muhammad Abdul Latif

Bashhar Awwad Ma’ruf

Abdul Hakim Anis

Hasan Muhammad al Huwayni

Ahmed Ajiba

Yusuf Hanana

Muhammad Uzayr Shams

Fathy Abdur Razzaq

Muhammad Rabi Jawhari

Ammar al Talibi

Muhammad al-Sulaymani

Andrea Tarantini

Al-Arabi Bishri

Ahmed Khan

Sayyid Bhagjwan


Volume 2:

Abdullah Bin Bayyah

Ibrahim Muhammad Zayn

Mustafa ibn Hamza

Muhammad Saeed Ramadan al-Bouti

Kamalud-Din Imam

Hassan Filimban

Muhammad Abdus Sattar Nassar

Hasan al-Shafi’i

Muhammad Salih al-Ghirsi

Majd Makki

Rajab Mahmud Khidr

Umar Abdullah Kamil


Volume 3:

Muhammad Salim al-Awwa

Abdul Majid al-Sughayr

Salman al Nadwi

Abdul Aziz Sayf al-Nasr

Marzuq Awlad Abdullah

Abdur Rahman al Marakibi

Abu Bakr Ahmed Masliyar al Malibari

Abdur Razzaq Qassum

Sayyid Wildu Abah

Abu Ya’rab al Marzuqi

Saeed Fouda

Ridwan al-Sayyid

Abdul Kabir al-Alawi al-Madghari

Muhammad Idir Mishnan

Muhammad al-Tahir al-Maysawi


Volume 4:

Ahmed Hasan Farhan

Hatim ibn Arif al-Awni

Abu Lubaba Hussain

Abdul Majid al-Najjar

Najah al-Ghunaymi

Muhammad al Rawandi

Ahmed Muhammad al-Tayyib

Muhammad Shama

Ahmed Shaban

Taqiud-Din al-Maqrizi (d. 845 AH)

Download links:

Volume 1

Volume 2

Volume 3

Volume 4





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