The Jewel of The Theologians in Light of The Islamic Creed

I was forwarded this relatively short work originally compiled in Arabic by the late Syrian Shaykh, Tahir al Jazairi (d. 1920), entitled Al-Jawahir al Kalamiyyah fi Idah al-Aqidah al-Islamiyya, with its subsequent English translation entitled The Jewel of The Theologians in Light of The Islamic Creed.  The author of this work needs no introduction to the avid readers of Islamic literature across the Arab world due to his arduous activities in the proselytization of Islam as well as being a noted author.

The actual work was collated by the late author based on his answers on a selection of some 102 theological questions.  The topics chosen were all related thematically to a unique aspect of Sunni Islamic creed and how they may inspire the Muslim reader to envisage the aspiration of contemplating on the beliefs related via divine origin.

The author has not only referred back to the noble verses of the Holy Qur’an, but has also given copious quotes and references back to the sayings of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) in the footnotes.

The work has been translated by Shaykh Hafizur Rahman Fateh Mohamed of the Netherlands and through the beneficence of Allah it is anticipated that the Muslim may grow more poised in developing a greater bond with the Creator, as well as developing an abundant sense of God-fearingness (taqwa), and closeness to the Creator by means of adopting the creedal points demonstrated within the text which conform with the doctrine of Ahlus Sunna wa al Jama’a.

It is thus hoped that the noble reader may by means of reading this work between their hands build a profound conviction in the acceptable and valid points of Sunni creed for their eternal salvation in the Hereafter.

Peace and blessings be upon our Master Muhammad

Abul Hasan Hussain Ahmed

Darul-Tahqiq, London

August 25th 2016/22nd Dhul Qa’dah 1437 AH

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What does Islamic Creed mean?

What is the meaning of Islam?

What are the foundations of Islamic Creed?

What is our general belief in Allah (Pure and Exalted is He)?

What is our belief in Allah (Pure and Exalted is He) in detail?

What is our belief regarding the existence of Allah (the Exalted)?

What is our belief regarding the pre-eternity of Allah (Pure and Exalted is He)?

What is our belief regarding the endlessness of Allah (Pure and Exalted is He)?

What is our belief regarding Allah’s absolute dissimilarity from all contingent beings i.e. the creation?

What is our belief regarding Allah being absolutely dissimilar from all contingent beings?

What is our belief regarding the attributes of Allah (Pure and Exalted is He) being different from the attributes of the creation?

What is our belief regarding the actions of Allah (Pure and Exalted is He) being different to the actions of the creation?

What is our belief regarding Allah being self-subsistent?

What is our belief regarding the life of Allah (Pure and Exalted is He)?

What is our belief regarding the oneness of Allah (the Exalted)?

What is our belief regarding the knowledge of Allah (the Exalted)?

What is our belief regarding the omnipotence of Allah (the Exalted)?

What is our belief in relation to the will of Allah (the Exalted)?

What is our belief regarding the hearing of Allah (the Exalted)?

What is our belief regarding the seeing of Allah (the Exalted)?

What is our belief regarding the speech of Allah (the Exalted)?

Inform me regarding the attributes which are impossible to attribute to our Master?

Inform me regarding those things whose occurrence is possible to take place by our Master (Pure and Exalted is He)?

What is the meaning of Istiwa when He (Pure is He) says: ((Ar Rahman is firmly in control of the Throne))?

Can we attribute Allah (Pure and Exalted is He) with two hands or eyes or anything similar to it?

What is the meaning of yad here?

To who do you attribute what you mentioned regarding the meaning of istiwa, yadayn and ayun?

How can we establish something for Him and say: its kayf (modality) is unknown?

Which School is preferable?

What are angels?

Have humans seen angels?

What is the work of the angels?

What is our belief regarding the scriptures of Allah (the Exalted)?

What is our belief regarding the Torah?

What is the belief of our illustrious scholars regarding the Torah?

What is our belief regarding the Zaboor (Psalms)?

What is our belief regarding the Injeel (Evangel)?

What is the belief of our illustrious scholars regarding the Injeel (Evangel) which is available today?

What is your belief regarding the Quran?

Why is the Quran regarded as the greatest miracle?

What is our belief regarding the messengers of Allah (the Exalted)?

What is the meaning of Nabi (Prophet)?

How many Prophets are there?

What is a mu`jiza (inimitable miracle)?

What is the wisdom for making a miracle appear on the hands of the Prophets?

What is the reason for a mu`jiza (inimitable miracle) to testify to the truthfulness of Prophets, and for it to be like Allah said (My servant has spoken the truth)?

What is the difference between mu`jiza (inimitable miracles) and magic?

What is the difference between a mu`jiza (inimitable miracle) and karama (miracles of divine favour)?

What is necessary for the Prophets (peace be upon them)?

What is impossible for the Messenger (peace and blessings be upon them)?

If disobedience is impossible for the Prophets, then how did Adam (peace be upon him) eat form the forbidden tree?

What is possible for the Prophets (peace be upon them)?

What is the wisdom for Prophets to befall sicknesses and suffering?

What is a summery regarding what is necessary for us to believe regarding the Prophets (peace and blessings be upon them)?

What are the distinguishing attributes of our Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) over all of the Prophets (peace be upon them)?

Why is our Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) the seal of all Prophets?

How can we say that our Prophet is the seal of all Prophets when Isa (peace be upon him) will descend at the end of time?

Inform me regarding the mu`jizat (inimitable miracles) of our Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him)?

How was the life of our Prophet (peace  and blessings be upon him)?

What is the day of resurrection and what does it mean to believe in the day of resurrection?

What is your belief regarding the day of resurrection and those matters relating to it?

What is your belief regarding the questioning in the grave and its bounties and punishments?

If an animal eats a person or a person fell into the sea and he was eaten by the fishes of the sea will he be questioned (after which he will either be) punished or rewarded?

If the soul of a deceased is returned to the body and he is questioned, he will either be rewarded or punished, then why is it that humans cannot see this?

Is there any example regarding this which will make it easier for our comprehension?

What do we believe regarding resurrection of the body and that the creation will return like it started?

What is your belief regarding the reckoning (hisaab)?

What is your belief regarding the scales and the distribution of the books of deeds?

What is your belief regarding the bridge?

Will anyone intercede on that day?

In whose favour will be the intercession of those that have been granted permission to intercede?

Will anyone intercede on behalf of the non-believers?

What is Kauthar, that which Allah (Pure and exalted is He) gave to the Prophet (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) as indicated in his speech: (Verily We have granted you al-Kauthar)

What will be the state of an obedient believer after reckoning?

What will be the state of an non-believer or hypocrite after reckoning?

What will be the state of a disobedient believer after reckoning?

What is Paradise?

What is Hell fire?

Mention an example close to our understanding which explains that Man is not compelled in his actions?

What will result from a person’s actions when they are voluntary (through personal choice)?

If a person were to hit another person out of oppression or hatred or due to any other bad reason and would say in excuse that it was predestined, will that excuse be accepted?

Can you mention a summary of this discussion?

Are we allowed to discuss the essence of Allah through our intellect?

If the mind is incapable to recognise the essence of Allah then how will one be able to recognise Allah when it is necessary for every person to recognise him?

How can we recognise Allah (the Exalted) when we cannot see him with our eyes?

Is there any example of this among the creation that its existence is known and we cannot see it?

Are we allowed to delve into the reality of the soul and discuss its essence?

Is it possible to see Allah (Pure and Exalted is He) with the eyes?

Is the effect of the evil eye a reality?

How does the evil eye have an effect when it is the finest part of a person body, having no physical contact with the person looked at

Who are the best of people after the Prophets (peace be upon them)?

What is Isra and Mi’raj?

Does supplication benefit the supplicator or for whom one is supplicating for, and does isale thawab benefit the deceased when the living gift it to the dead.

Are the blessings of Paradise spiritual or physical, likewise the punishment of Hell fire how is it? Are they everlasting or do they come to an end?

Can a wali (friend of Allah) reach the status of a Prophet?

What is a mujtahid, and who are those mujtahidin whose opinions have to be followed?

Why do the mujtahidin differ is some rulings?

What are the signs of the day of resurrection?

Who is successful?

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