From Our Perspective (part 1)

In the recent past, due to several reasons, there has been a significant shift in the channel of Islamic information in our societies.

In the past, our system of information was in line with the ancient methods; that is to acquire Islamic knowledge from heart to heart. This was done in madrasahs as well as via the mimbars of the masajid.

Now that the world has become a global village, the channel of education has been broadened. Just as this brings some benefit, it also has its hazards. As a result, we have become beset with fitnahs of all kinds.

One such trial is the scourge of salafism; a doctrine or ideology that deceitfully claims to uphold the teachings of the salaf, but in reality actually defames the very same thing!!

A consequence of this is that people begin to question the legality of other madhahib. In our province, the overwhelming majority are Hanafis. Therefore the attack of these ill-informed individuals would be focused on the Hanafi Madhab.

The purpose of this booklet; entitled: ‘From Our Perspective’ is to enlighten one and all about the authentic proofs that support the Hanafi standpoint on issues that these individuals raise objection to. The book is meant to be brief, and therefore most of the chapters have just one clear authentic proof. For more elaboration on such issues, the ‘Ulama can refer to the detailed Arabic works on this subject.

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