Salafis say Allah is Settled on the Throne
Says ‘Shaykh’ Ibn Uthaimeen:
ونحن نعلم معنى الاستواء ونؤمن به ونقره وهو أنه سبحانه وتعالى علا عرشه واستوى عليه علوا واستقرارا يليق به سبحانه وتعالى ولكننا لا نعلم كيفية هذا الاستواء
rough translation:
We know the meaning of istawa and we believe it and accept/approve it and He subhanahu wa ta’ala is upon is His arsh and His establishment thereupon is of aboveness and settledness (istiqrar) Glorified and Exalted be He. We don’t know the howness of this al-istawa’.
Useful Anecdote:
In yet another example of Salafi confusion about the attributes of Allah, Salafi Hadith scholar Al-Albani refutes this belief in settlement saying :
“It is not permissible to describe Allah as being settled, because first of all, settlement is a human attribute. Secondly, our Lord, Exalted and Majestic is He, was not described with it that we say ‘it is a settlement that befits His majesty and perfection,’ as we say with regards to istiwa’; so we do not describe Allah with anything save what He has described Himself with, which is then juxtaposed with the revelation: ‘There is nothing like unto Him, and He is All-Hearing, All-Seeing’”