The Real Aqida of Imam al-Bukhari
The Sahih of Imam Muhammad ibn Isma’il al-Bukhari (d. 256 AH) is the most significant, illustrious, and most dependable Hadith collection for the Muslim Ummah; in particular, Sunni Islam. Sahih al-Bukhari is the prime hadith collection to be consulted for many facets of the blessed life of the Prophet (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam), religious laws (Ahkam al-Sharia), worship (Ibada), Islamic beliefs (aqa’id) and a number of scholarly views of Imam al-Bukhari.
In the following downloadable work entitled al-Nur al-Sari bi I’tiqad al Imam al-Bukhari compiled by Shaykh Abul Khayr Shamsuddin Khayri al-Qurashi al-Shafi’i, a thorough presentation with references has been published on the actual aqida (creedal statements) statements emanating from Imam al-Bukhari with in his famous Sahih. The work covers examples related to Qur’anic exegesis (tafsir) and specifically examples of ta’wil (figurative interpretation). The last sections cover issues pertaining to graves and tabarruk (seeking blessings).
Certain proponents of pseudo-Salafism claim to adhere to the contents of Sahih al-Bukhari but many of their lay followers or even some of their scholars are oblivious to certain narrations that are within the Sahih that they would possibly find uncomfortable with in terms of their understandings of Tawhid and Shirk (polytheism). Here is an example from the Sahih of Imam al-Bukhari (2/255, translated by the late Salafi Dr. Muhsin Khan; see the green circled portion):

More details on the above narration about the Sahabi, Ibn Umar (ra) are present in an upcoming work regarding the authenticity of a narration from the Sahabi, Abu Ayyub al-Ansari (ra) and his action at the blessed grave of the Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) in response to some members of British pseudo-Salafism.
Other examples from Sahih al-Bukhari have been exemplified in detail in the following two works uploaded on this very site:
Download the full work – HERE
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