The Taymiyyan Moment: Book review by Ustadh Imran Iqbal

The following is a link to download or read the book review of Dr. Ovamir Anjum’s work known as Politics, Law and Community in Islamic Thought: The Taymiyyan Moment, by Ustadh Imran Iqbal from London, UK.  Dr. Anjum has also translated into English Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyya’s work known as Madarij al-Salikin which is a large compendium on Sufi  orientated discourses as understood by this leading disciple of ibn Taymiyya’s.   One may see some of ibn Qayyim’s  Sufi leaning discources in this link. 

The above slideshow image is said to be of the citadel where ibn Taymiyya was imprisoned in and subsequently passed away in.  Academic works and views regarding Ibn Taymiyya will soon be uploaded on this site, Insha Allah.

A biography of the reviewer:

Imran Iqbal after initially completing his Masters degree in Engineering (MEng) at Queen Mary University (University of London) went onto diversify his academic background by pursuing an MA from SOAS (University of London) in Near and Middle Eastern Studies and another from Birkbeck College (University of London) in Philosophy with his thesis written on Imam al-Ghazali’s view on scientific knowledge and causality.

 He has also pursued classical Islamic knowledge by studying under a number of local Ulama in London by  concentrating on basic Islamic sciences such as Ilm al-Fiqh, Usul al-Fiqh, Ulum al-Hadith, Aqida and Ilm al-Kalam. His areas of interest include: Islamic philosophy and theology, Islamic legal theory, Islamic history of ‘ideas’, philosophy of science and the scientific method, epistemology and metaphysics in Western and Islamic thought.

He has a number of published book reviews in specialist academic journals and is currently pursuing a resarch project tentatively titled, ‘Trajectories in Islamic theological dispute’.   He is also a qualified teacher of Physics and Critical Thinking.

Politics, Law, and Community in Islamic Thought: The Taymiyyan Moment by Ovamir Anjum (Hardback, 2012)

Download link for the review

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